I use the name VALODI because I wanted to distinguish my design work from everything else. My aim is that the objects I create are real responses to real needs while maintaining their functionality and authenticity. My mission is to create sustainable design objects. Recycling requires a completely different design approach than designing from scratch. Existing materials and their associated technologies are combined with specific forms. These limitations are actually inspiring me. The concept of reusing or repurposing old objects has long been part of the design world. In my opinion, it is not common in design circles because it almost always results in " cart-wheel chandeliers " and " bath-tub sofas ". There's nothing wrong with that either since the public is always open to exciting and fresh design hack objects. VALODI, on the other hand, is looking for something completely different: it takes discarded objects and breaks them down into much more elementary components, in order to add to existing objects what is needed to create full-value objects with their own style and function. The reused object or objects are only raw materials, their previous function or form should not determine the purpose of the new object and the result of the transformation. Of course, the raw material is an elemental component of any object and the way it is made is an essential part of its history. The reborn, freshly made object takes on a new life, a completely new beginning, in a new reality, with a new purpose. Certain details may of course refer to its past function and context, but they cannot determine its present. The objects created in the VALODI workshop are always unique. In my workshop, I do not even try to mass produce. Often, I make small series, or product lines, which are part of the same concept or design, but they are also made up of a limited number of pieces.
For the packaging, I sewed bags from dismantled home textiles and upholstery. I attached the labels with unique magnets made from scrap wood. The bags and (fridge) magnets not only serve as an advertisement for the brand, but they also serve an environmental purpose: by reusing them, they save a lot of plastic waste.